HIN2H Winter Program
Start Date: Term 2 – Friday 2nd May
Duration: 14 Weeks (Only during school Term 2 & 3)
Fridays: 4.30pm – 5:30pm
Arena Joondalup Grass Fields
Kennedya Drive, Joondalup
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Hookin2Hockey is a modified hockey program that caters for Kindy to Year 4 players, with teams usually being a mix of girls and boys, grouped in schools or with friends where possible.
During the first half of the training session players learn basic skills through fun activities and game situations with the help of their volunteer coaches. In the second half players will be divided into teams to play mini matches.
Groups are limited in size to allow for maximum participation and places are limited so please register early to avoid disappointment.
The club rooms, located next to the Western Oval.
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HIN2H Competition @ NCR
Hookin2Hockey players in Years 3, 4, 5 and some 6s who are not ready to play in the Hockey WA Competition have the opportunity to play competitive games on Saturday morning against North Coast Raiders at Charles Riley Reserve, North Beach. The North Coast Raiders competition is a modified game played on three quarters of a pitch with 9 players on the field. Players can be in Years 3, 4, 5 or 6, but there is some flexibility with ages of children playing in this competition. The competition with North Coast Raiders will commence in Term 2, more details will be supplied nearer the time.
Junior sport is predominantly based on volunteers and for the nines competition to be successful parent involvement is a necessity.
For more information please contact our Hin2H Coordinator – hin2h@lakers.asn.au.