Container Recycling


To reduce landfill and provide greater sporting opportunities to our community.


At Joondalup Lakers Hockey Club, we began our journey in 2020 with the start of the Containers for Change  scheme in Western Australia. Our members understood the importance of reducing our waste, emissions and effects on the environment. Being an agile and adaptable club, we set out to make hockey more affordable for all our members and reduce the reliance on fundraising. JLHC are committed to using these funds on our members, team, and general community.

Your donations using our scheme ID go towards reducing member expenses, supply new equipment and trainings for teams whilst enabling growth through clinics and social events. This commitment positively affects our community and environment through:

  • Promotion of the importance in recycling and reducing litter and landfill
  • Provide opportunities for the community engagement with the Club
  • Reduce litter and landfill
  • Reducing the barrier for new members, especially juniors to try a new sport and join a social thriving member base
  • Reduce the finacial burden on members through potential fee reductions and providing more player amenities

We are growing our community of like-minded hockey lovers and the individual can find a sense of belonging and purpose. It has been an all-club effort and we are proud of what we have achieved already but even more excited about what is to come.

Each year the Club committee discuss targets and goals to challange and grow this aspect of the club. Having set a target of 50,000 for 2024 single use containers to be donated, the Club is looking to expand our with the inclusion of local businesses and partnerships for the benefit of a community based circular economy. We remain confident that this target is achieable. 


Container Recycling Timeline




Containers for Change officially Started in WA and JLHC begins recycling journey




32,022 Containers recycled in one year






30,668 Containers recycled in one year


Change Maker Award Finalist (Community Award, Top 4)









Container funds used to subsidize Hockey WA player levy fees increases


Overall containers recycled reached 100,000 September 7th

Wate Sorted Awards State Finalist (Business Award, Top 4)


Change Maker Award Finalist (Community Award, Top 5)



Container funds used to subsidise Hockey WA player levy fees increases


Minster for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Hon. Reece Whitby tour the club facilities and provided his support for our mission. Watch the video here.


40,000 containers recycled in 11 months, New club record reached!


Please click the link below to add our Member Number to your phone's Wallet App and start donating your refund to Lakers now.


                                                                                 Add to Apple Wallet                  Add to WalletPasses                                                       

Click to find out where to donate your containers
